What are you particularly grateful for this Thanksgiving?
How will you honour your friends, your family, and your loved ones this year?
Which long-lost relation will you reconnect with today?
This year’s Thanksgiving will be different for many of us due to the pandemic and social distancing requirements. Keeping focus on the positive, on the comforts we do have, on the modern conveniences that allow us to remain in touch with our loved ones, will help us truly enjoy this thanksgiving day.
To be honest, I am not one to celebrate Thanksgiving at all; most years it goes by unnoticed for me. But this year, my thoughts are with all those people for whom this is a special gathering day.
This year I am very grateful to be living in the countryside. I feel fortunate to be able to share my life with my wonderful wife and I am grateful that we still get along so well after 20+ years. I am very grateful for my home and all the comforts that I do enjoy and might otherwise take for granted. This year, I am particularly enjoying the spectacular fall colours, the sunshine by day, and the stars by night.
Happy Gratitudes everyone!
Luc Rensonnet