Luc Rensonnet

Having completed his training as Master Practitioner in Questionology in 2019, this entrepreneur is at the vanguard of the science of asking better questions.  Through his company A Better Quest Inc., he is the first to bring the incredible power of Questionology to Canada in both French and English.

With a solid foundation of integrity and honesty, unbreakable determination, a complex range of divergent interests and a deep and driving desire to share knowledge and contribute positively to the world around him, Luc is at his best when he mentors, coaches, trains or teaches; whatever it takes to help lift those around him to their next level. 

A true gentleman in every sense of the word, Luc can also be surprisingly playful.  His enthusiasm knows no bounds.  He is generous, passionate, a man of great fortitude.  He’s a facilitator, a contributor, a guide, a coordinator, a volunteer, a technician, a pilot, a customer service star, a family-first man.  He can always be relied on to persevere, come hell or high water.  Luc comes as a whole: transparent in his interactions; nothing hidden, nothing exaggerated. He really listens, doesn’t hesitate to stand up and speak out against wrongness; he is kind, gentle and sensitive.  Luc unflinchingly supports the efforts of others while gently challenging them to expand their capacities.

He’s also an experienced and well-known Toastmaster since 2015; past President of an advanced club, he has served for three years as VP of Education. He is the newest up-coming addition to the Author’s Show roster of Hosts, helping expand this promotional platform to a French audience.


Throughout his experience as a flight instructor, a tour guide, a professional driver, a bellman, a waiter, a bartender, a snowmaker, a ski-lift operator, Luc noticed the constancy of inadequacy in the way people everywhere communicate with each other – missed opportunities to share and grow through respectful exchanges.  That realization led Luc on a road of self-discovery through hundreds of hours of personal development workshops and leadership seminars during which he discovered Questionology.

With a diploma in aviation from Seneca College and a diploma in information technology from BCIT already in his pocket, Luc took his first Questionology Technician course in Montreal in 2014 and was hooked.  He furthered his training in France, the birthplace of la Questiologie, becoming a Practitioner and then had the extraordinary opportunity to shadow the creator and developer of Questionology for six weeks,  witnessing for himself the transformative power of this linguistic tool in action and learning directly from Frédéric Falisse how to deliver tailored corporate Questionology training.


Questionology was created and developed (in French) by Frédéric Falisse (  This linguistic leadership tool was developed in France and made its first public appearance in a TEDx talk at la Sorbonne in 2012. (For a version of the TEDx video with English sub-titles, click here.)

French language interactive workshops in Questionology have already been delivered to more than 50 companies in Europe, training over 2000 participants.  This transformative education has received exceptionally positive feedback, with newly trained Technicians and Practitioners in turn helping transform their respective fields with demonstrated leadership and contributing with more pertinent, respectful and productive communications.